Thursday, August 18, 2011

Motherbird has a Moment.

That's right folks, somewhere between an orgasm and a gleek-out, I've had one. Its great. Its better than Kim Coates professing his love to me on Facebook, which is pretty awesome. Like, awesome awesome. That's right, Underworld: Awakening teaser trailer... for all of us non-sparkling vampire, lycan and hybrid lovers. (Team Viktor!)

Who wouldn't want that hunk of steaming man meat professing his undying love for you on Facebook and/or Twitter!? I would. Sorry... got a little carried away... expect more of him... and others in the months to follow!


The trailer, Underworld Awakening... the link be below! Get an extra pair of panties, kiddies. You're gonna need em.

Thanks, Empire! Now, let's judge. How do you NOT know that you didn't have a daughter... is it her daughter!? I think so. But, even vampires have to know a watermelon is popping out of her hooha! Am I right? I've never had that happen but, I hear its quite recognizable as far as the symptons go. What do you guys think!? Its cute though, Selene, Michael and Eve - Happy Family! Although, Selene must feel like the odd one out not being Hybrid or anything special like that... or feeling like a complete tramp for killing Marcus.... and Viktor.... and Kraven.... and slighly causing Lucian's death... skank. I still love her. I hope she brings back those grenade-frisbee things... one of my favorite parts. And, hopefully we'll get a little Raze... jungle fever!!! Okay... I need to stop now. Motherbird + Underworld = LOVE.

Team Viktor. Over and Out.

Best. Fruit. Punch. Ever. I would totes get on that man. Over and Out. Fur reals.

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